Chaotic Harmony presents their latest and greatest album titled "Utopia", released worldwide on April 8th, 2022.

Chaotic Harmony is a collaborative duo comprised of hip-hop & electronic producers, gh0stk1tty & NeuroSpaceship. Together, these two have joined forces to create one of the most creative and psychedelic instrumental albums of 2022.
Utopia is a 12-track pack of melodious and abstract excellence, a colorful and mesmerizing experience from beginning to end. The backbone of this record is built off a ton of very experimental electronic and synthesizer-based production, masterfully performed and arranged to create a theatrical and almost otherworldly sound that is equal parts invigorating and enchanting.
Sonically, this project manages to effortlessly mix several different genres, styles, and vibes, with absolutely no obligation to pander to one specific style or formula. Smooth, bouncy, and atmospheric, this record sucks the listener into a world of ethereal soundscapes and melodies and takes them on an audible journey using the artistry of organized noise. Stand-out favorites of mine would include tracks like Illuminesence, VSS, Daft Liquid, Tough Luck, & Haze, just to name a few.
This record is now available on all streaming platforms. Bump it in its entirety, and then try to tell me you don't feel like a brand new person afterward. One thing is for sure, these two producers sure as hell know how to put their heads together and create something truly special, I hope to hear a lot more from Chaotic Harmony in the very near future.
Follow this artist(s) on the web and social media for news & updates:
Chaotic Harmony: Instagram
NeuroSpaceship: Instagram
gh0stk1tty: Instagram